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Member Focus: Joju Solar

Joju Solar are independent experts in solar energy, battery storage and electric vehicle charge points and they’ve designed and installed thousands of systems across the UK, for councils (including Islington), universities, businesses and homeowners. 

Whether pioneering community-funded solar, exploring the benefits of batteries or helping the transition to electric transport, the Joju team has always been committed to building a future powered by the sun, where the energy we need comes without the pollution. They were proud to be recognised as ‘Contractor of the Year’ at the prestigious Solar and Storage Live Awards last year, as well as winning ‘Contractor of the Year’ at the Electric Vehicle Innovation and Excellence Awards (EVIE’s).  

Recently, they even installed Solar PV panels on the cloisters of Salisbury Cathedral, as part of a community-funded energy project, helping one of the UK’s most iconic buildings to be powered by clean energy. 

From installing high-profile systems like this, to helping homeowners and businesses with the right charge points to make the switch to electric vehicles, Joju Solar are as passionate now as they were when they started out 15 years ago. In fact, they’ve just had their landmark birthday – and here’s to the next 15 years, designing and installing low carbon electricity technologies at all scales. You can discover more about the diverse projects Joju undertake, by reading their case studies and blogs